Investment Partnerships Program of São Paulo State

The Investment Partnerships Program was instituted to strengthen the collaboration mechanisms between the State and the private sector, expanding investment, employment, technological and industrial development opportunities, in harmony with the social and economic development of the State. The program, wich encompasses all partnerships carried out by the State Government in the modalities of Common Concession and Public-Private Partnerships and the State Privatization Program.

Among the results, it favors the effectiveness control in public contracts, risk-sharing with the private partner, innovative solutions, higher quality in public services, strengthening the regulatory role of the State and the autonomy of regulatory bodies. 

The objective of PPI-SP is to expand opportunities for investment, employment, socioeconomic, technological, environmental and industrial development in São Paulo. The proposals for concessions and PPPs qualified in the Program cover areas such as education, culture, urban development, housing and intercity transport, road, waterways and water resources.

More information and details of Projects qualified in PPI-SP via the link:

Public Call SPI No. 01/2024

Metro Line 16 Violet

The Government of the State of São Paulo, through the Secretariat of Investment Partnerships (SPI), hereby announces the opening of Public Call No. 01/2024, with a view to selecting interested parties to develop feasibility studies for the Partnership Project for the Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Metro Line 16 - Violet.

Interested parties must submit an Authorization Request between October 7, 2024 and November 6, 2024, through this Digital Partnership Platform (PPI-SP), by clicking on the "Access" button below.

Requests for clarification should be sent to the email:, in accordance with the terms of the Notice.

The Public Call Notice and other documents and information can be accessed on this website, under the Projects tab, or directly at the following link:

Public Call item.

The Public Call documents will also be available on the SPI website, at the following link:


The UniversalizeSP Program aims to promote actions for the State of Sao Paulo to meet the universalization goals established by the Sanitation Legal Framework - 99% of the population supplied with drinking water and 90% with sewage collection and  treatment.

In this way, The Sao Paulo State Government will technically support 250 municipalities that directly provide basic sanitation services, through local autarchies and/or municipal services, in order to promote the anticipation of universalization goals, the regionalization of service provision, incentives for tariff moderation and service to rural areas and informal urban centers.

Municipalities interested in participating the Program and structuring modeling with technical support from the State Government can obtain more information at:

Digital Platform for Partnerships

The Digital Partnership Platform aims to present new business opportunities and facilitate the submission of proposals for new projects for joint development between the public and private sectors. 


Click on the button below to access the Platform.

Visit Here

On Going Projects

The Partnership Program in the State of São Paulo was creation in 1998.

Actually, there are several projects distributed in a range of sectors and the partnership modalities ensure a more transparent and innovative relationship between the government and private partners.

In the map below, it is possible to identify projects already contracted by area of activity.

To access the menu, click the upper left corner.

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