State Level
Administrative Contracts and Bidding Law.
Law No. 14,133 fron April 04, 2021
State Level
State Level
Establishes the Public-Private Partnership State Program.Law No. 11.688 from May 19, 2004
Regulates the Public-Private Partnership State Program.Decree No. 48.867 from August 10, 2004
Regulates real estate alienation which is mentioned on the Law No. 11.688.Decree No. 50.826 from May 25, 2006
Regulates real estate alienation which is mentioned on the Law No. 11.688.Decree No. 51.126 from September 19, 2006
Establishes the Committee on Public-Private Partnerships Contracts.Decree No. 62.540 from April 11, 2017
Article 6, item II, new wording to article 3 of Decree No. 48.867/2004, on the CGPPP, and item III, new wording to Article 3 of Decree No. 62.540/2017, CAC-PPP members.
Decree No. 67.443 from January 11, 2023
Disciplines the procedure for studies related to parnerships projects and privatization.
Decree No. 67.759 from June 20, 2023
Federal Level
Regulates procurement process and public-private partnerships procedures on the public sector.Law No. 11.079 from December 30, 2004
Authorizes the Federal Government to participate in funds dedicated to either foreign trade operations or large-scale infrastructure projects.Law nº 12.712 from August 30, 2012
Establishes procedures to the Expression of Interest to be observed by physical or legal persons in the presentation of projects, surveys, investigations or studies to be used by the Public Administration.Decree No. 8.428 from April 2, 2015
Introduces general standards for public sector accounts on the public-private partnership contracts.Instruction No. 614 from August 21, 2006 (National Treasury)